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This package can operate locally, as well as, on cloud functions. The basic usage is identical. Specific difference are outlined in the respective sections below.

The Database class serves as an interface for all operations.

Establish a connection to the database by creating a Database object.

from pipeline import Database
db = Database(**config)
Here, the connection details are stored in config, a Python dictionary with keys as outlined in the documentation of the class.
The SQL database will be fully created automatically with all its tables if it does not exist. It is thus safe to re-create the Database object without data loss.


Add cities and their airports

db.add_cities(['Berlin', 'Hamburg', 'Munich'])
Only new cities will be added. Airports in the vicinity will be added as well.

Fetch dynamic data and update it in the database

These functions are to be run continuously to keep the database up-to-date.


In order to avoid hard-coding sensitive data into your Python scripts, copy the file example.env to your working directory with the name .env. Then fill its contents with the respective credentials for a MySQL database and the necessary API keys. Install the Python package python-dotenv and load the contents of the .env file into your environment with

from dotenv import load_dotenv

The credentials are then securely available through the environment variables and accessible like so

import os
mysql_password = os.getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD")

The Database object from above can be created with

db = Database(

Google Cloud Functions

Running the pipeline on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) requires to upload the Python package (directory pipeline), and the files and requirements.txt to a Cloud Function. The file contains two possible entry points for the Cloud Function:

  • update_weather
  • update_flights

The functions are equipped with the functions_framework to allow cloud execution.

The procedure to keep the credentials secure follows as for the local usage described above. However, the GCP offers the Secret Manager to store and selectively expose sensitive data. A method that is recommended over uploading an .env file.

The expected names of the environment variables are the same as above, but can also be inspected or adjusted in